Did you know... you have a unique "inner GPS" that will guide you to your best future? And it's only steps away!

Hi! I'm Jennifer Kolpacoff Deane

My core passion is guiding college students and recent graduates to discover their individual genius and path to success.

I have been working in higher education for over 25 years as a professor, advisor, and since 2019, a Department of Education (McNair/TRIO) director and mentor.

I'm also a Certified Professional Career Coach who has worked in the corporate world as a consultant and account manager, done recruiting, interviewing, and HR administration, and served on dozens of selection and review committees. So I know how hard it is to feel seen, worthy, and empowered out there.

It all starts with you, and finding the "spark" that lights up your heart and mind...because the world needs you exactly as you are.


I understand the overwhelm and uncertainty students today feel about the future.

I also know from experience where the pitfalls and dangers are that pull so many college students and recent graduates off track, whether academic, personal, financial ... or, as so often the case, all of those together.

What motivates me is the joy of watching a young adult light up as self-doubt melts away and they begin to discover their innate, unique gifts and talents.

From my years working in higher education and also in corporate and non-profit environments, I know the opportunities and practical steps required to succeed in school and early career stages.

My own kids are 18 and 21 and going through these transitions, so I know from personal experience what is at stake right now for students and their families.

New opportunities and experiences are all around us, so let's get you unstuck and excited again about your future!

If this resonates for you personally, or you'd like to talk about connecting me with a student or grad you know, please click the 'Contact' link.

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Let's start transforming anxious uncertainty into authentic confidence about next steps... regardless of what life presents along the way.

Book a 30-minute call now. Discover your purpose, navigate your future...with peace of mind.

My work is rooted in the core values of academic advising as set forth by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA). The advising relationship is personalized, student-centered, and based in respect for individuals and their communities. I value the broad range of educational options in the US, from traditional four-year colleges and universities to community colleges, technical and vocational training, and military service.


Academic advisors respond to and are accessible to others in ways that challenge, support, nurture, and teach. Advisors build relationships through empathetic listening and compassion for students, colleagues, and others.


Academic advisors value and are dedicated to excellence in all dimensions of student success. Advisors are committed to students, colleagues, institutions, and the profession through assessment, scholarly inquiry, life-long learning, and professional development.


Academic advisors motivate, encourage, and support students and the greater educational community to recognize their potential, meet challenges, and respect individuality.


Academic advisors respect, engage, and value a supportive culture for diverse populations. Advisors strive to create and support environments that consider the needs and perspectives of students, institutions, and colleagues through openness, acceptance, and equity.


Academic advisors act intentionally in accordance with ethical and professional behavior developed through reflective practice. Advisors value honesty, transparency, and accountability to the student, institution, and the advising profession.


Academic advisors act in accordance with the values of the profession of advising for the greater good of students, colleagues, institutions, and higher education in general.


Academic advisors honor the inherent value of all students. Advisors build positive relationships by understanding and appreciating students’ views and cultures, maintaining a student-centered approach and mindset, and treating students with sensitivity and fairness.

NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. (2017). NACADA core values of academic advising. Retrieved from https://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Pillars/CoreValues.aspx