- Anika

"When I first started with Jennifer I had just decided to change my major. I had lost my passion and had no idea how to proceed. Jennifer helped me find a new passion that was right for me. Working with Jennifer was probably one of the best decisions I made. Not only did she help me feel confident in my future, but she helped me become confident in who I was as a person. I would encourage any college student, lost or not, to work with Jennifer because she sets you up with the confidence you need to succeed in your field.”


- Augusta

"Jennifer’s intuitive and empathetic guidance helped me contextualize my life experiences in a way that built the confidence necessary to craft the unique yet cohesive application for the Fulbright Program. I could not have done it without her and remain forever grateful to her for my two years in Greenland!”


- Isaiah

“After talking to Jennifer about who I was and discussing my goals and experiences, she was able to give concrete and holistic advice on how to pursue my intended career [in international relations and Korean language].
I gained clarity to remove the fog of the unknown and relief from the stress and anxiety that is the academic and career world. I always felt, after each meeting, that I gained a new important point or perspective towards my goals and had the agency to drive my own choices."



"Before meeting Jennifer, the thought of my future was something that provoked stress and a feeling of uncertainty. However, after
working with her, I now feel at peace and enthusiastic about my future and career goals.

Through her counsel, I can confidently say what I value in a career and the practical steps I can take to help me get there…"


- Isabel

“I didn’t know where to start on the whole college search process, and I was overwhelmed when thinking about choosing a major. Jennifer helped me figure out my personal values and strengths which helped me build a college list filled with schools that have programs I could flourish in and an environment that fit what I was looking for.

Her approach focused in-depth on figuring out myself and then finding places where I could thrive. Working with Jennifer has given me peace of mind about the whole college experience. I feel like I have many new ways of exploring areas of study and I am excited to start my collegiate journey.”